Egyptian pyramids at Giza

Approximately 4500 years ago, Egypt constructed one of the wonders of the world. It continues to astonish people even now. The Egyptian Pyramids at Giza Reaching a height of 147 meters, this structure held the title of the tallest building in the world for over 4000 years.

Enormous stones were utilized in the pyramids’ construction, which is estimated to total 6 million tons. In contrast, the current tallest building, the Burj Khalifa, weighs only 500,000 tons.

Egyptian pyramids

The question that leaves many in awe is how was it constructed. People lacked cranes, bulldozers, or modern equipment. Not even wheels. Nonetheless, they created a monument that endures to this day.

Can you envision a structure that has lasted for more than 4500 years, and withstood sweltering summers, storms, heavy rains, and erosion? No other ancient building of such size has survived.

How was this accomplished?

Come, let’s explore the enigmas of the pyramids through this video.”The Great Pyramid may be the most enigmatic structure on the planet.”It was constructed around 2500 BC and remained the tallest structure on Earth for more than 3,500 years.”The pyramids are colossal tombs made of gleaming white limestone, intended to conceal the dark truths of the deceased.”

The further back we delve into history, the more challenging it becomes to ascertain what truly occurred, when, and how.

How Egyptian Pyramids at Giza Were Built?

The Great Pyramid of Giza is believed to have been constructed in 2560 BC under Pharaoh Khufu. The rulers of ancient Egypt were known as pharaohs. We have limited knowledge about Pharaoh Khufu, besides the fact that he was the second ruler of the Fourth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.

Egyptian pyramids

His reign is widely debated; some historians suggest 23 years, others 34 years, and some even claim it was over 60 years. The pyramid is situated on the western bank of the Nile River. If you observe images or footage of it, you’ll notice it is not alone.

Egypt Three pyramids

There are three pyramids in Egypt. The first is the pyramids of Giza and also you will find two additional pyramids built near the pyramids of Giza.

Pyramid of Giza

You will find two additional pyramids built nearby. Among these three pyramids, the tallest is the Pyramid of Giza, also referred to as the Pyramid of Khufu.

Egyptian pyramids

Pyramid of Khafre

Next in size is the Pyramid of Khafre, which is identified as the second-largest pyramid in Egypt. It is believed to have been constructed by Khafre, the son of Khufu.

Egyptian pyramids

Pyramid of Menkaure

The third and smallest pyramid is the Pyramid of Menkaure, said to have been built by Khafre’s son. These are the sole monuments from that time.

Pyramids of Giza

Besides these, there are also the Sphinx, several tombs, and smaller pyramids. In total, there are estimated to be 118 pyramids of various forms and dimensions. Many of them have been deteriorated by weathering, with only a few remaining in good condition. Perhaps the best-preserved are these three pyramids. Particularly the Great Pyramid of Giza.

What was the purpose behind the construction of these pyramids?

The same motive that inspired the creation of several ancient structures. They were erected as tombs. The pharaohs were interred within the pyramids. The ancient Egyptians had a belief in the afterlife. They thought that life did not cease with death.

Following death, an individual’s soul would voyage to the underworld, where they would face judgment by the gods. Those who led virtuous lives would achieve immortality in the afterlife. Therefore, to prepare for the afterlife, the pharaohs constructed tombs for themselves during their rule.

A significant amount of food, treasures, jewelry, furniture, and clothing was entombed with the pharaoh in the pyramid to use in the afterlife. Once deceased, their bodies were mummified and then securely placed in wooden or stone sarcophagi.

You may be questioning how we can be certain that this was the reason for the pyramids’ construction

There are primarily two reasons, my friends.

  1. Firstly, we have discovered inscriptions on various other pyramids. These sarcophagi and pyramid engravings provide insights into their traditions.
  2. Secondly, the majority of the historical pyramids located in Egypt and Sudan were utilized as burial sites.

However, in the case of the Great Pyramid of Giza specifically, no significant proof of this was uncovered, leading people to formulate their alternative hypotheses. When archaeologists investigated the Great Pyramid, they came across three artifacts and a vacant sarcophagus.

Egyptian Pyramids of Giza

This sarcophagus is thought to have belonged to Khufu, and the valuables found surrounding it are believed to have been plundered before the archaeologists arrived. Those who contest this perspective have proposed some rather unusual alternative theories.


One widely accepted theory is that the Great Pyramid functions as a power source capable of generating electricity. Proponents of this theory assert that the ancient Egyptians possessed advanced technology and had discovered a method to harness electricity.

Supporters of this theory point to certain ancient artworks. Such artworks have been discovered on the walls of some ancient Egyptian temples and are presented as evidence that they were creating light bulbs. It is claimed that the Egyptians were the inventors, but that this technology was somehow lost over time.

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  1. Pingback: How Burj Khalifa Was Built

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